Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Some of my Important Books

Welcome to my blog- grab a cup of tea and sit down and enjoy. I have started blogs several times in the past, and the first post is always the most daunting- you need to set the tone, right? Well I figured what better way to set the tone of my Book Blog, than to tell you a bit about my favourite books? I'm going to keep this list short and sweet today- it's by no means ALL of my favourite books. But it's a good start.

Harry Potter by J.K Rowling

Because: Duhh. Lets just get the obvious one out of the way, shall we? I grew up with these books. They were a huge part of my reading life- and I will always treasure them. I don't know if there will be anything that can quite live up to these ones!

Noughts and Crosses Trilogy by Malory Blackman 
Because: This, as well as Harry Potter, is probably one of the books that influenced me the most while growing up- and yet it's not as often heard of. I fondly think of this book as 'the first book to make me cry'. It deals with racial issues in a re-telling of Romeo and Juliet. And there's four books! I cannot tell enough people to read this!

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Because: Jane Eyre is my favourite classic. (Shhh, don't tell Pride and Prejudice). I love plain Jane- she's such a strong character. I love Mr Rochester. I love the history and the setting. Ahh, bliss! My copy is so dog-eared, a page has fallen out. Note to self- buy a new copy.

These are only three examples of books that have really shaped me as a reader- there's loads more I could add in a favourite category, but how many have a huge impact? I'm curious to know some or your important books?


Eva @ All Books Considered said...

Great post! Definitely agree re: HP!

I would say that The Secret History is probably my most important book -- just so unique and opened me up to a whole new world

Jenny said...

I've never heard of that book before! I'll have to look it up :)